
            Response one

Socialization process is actually an important process to the children as an environment of learning process. There are many factors in life that act as role models for child development process (PERRINO, 2005, p.1). All the socialization stages by Mead provide a unique feature that lead to child development and learning. The writer’s case adds weight to the theory. In fact, children learn through imitating, playing and actually engaging into organized games among themselves. Unfortunately, not all socialization processes lead to positive learning and development processes (PERRINO, 2005, p.1). Some can lead to negative influences like drugs, sexual activities, and alcohol use among other prohibited behaviors.

Second Response

Mead’s act stage is particularly a psychosocial stage. This stage broadens the social cultural ideologies in the socialization cycles (“Socialization”, nd, p. 112). Social and cultural factors reinforce the development and learning process of an individual. The stage encompasses the conflicts between social environment and individuals satisfactory decisions.  These decisions results to a positive satisfaction. In addition, the environment surrounding an individual acts as factors to influence an internal signal towards outside social actions and social processes. For this reason, the four distinct stages and gestures intercede with the social environment and satisfaction of an individual.

Third Response

Economist argue that obsolescence include capitalistic devalued, wasted or destroyed assets. Continuing and expanding consumption and satisfaction lead to new needs that need to be satisfied as original need and thus satisfaction need to be renewed on a continuous basis (Maycroft, nd, p.10). For example, an individual may possess better phone or electronic gadget that offer a social and personal prestige. New gadgets may erupt in the market prompting him/her to change consumption choice. The gadgets possessed become obsolete due to the change in consumption and change in satisfaction. This way, it increases obsolete piles in the community. These pose a danger to the environment and future generation. In this respect, governments and industry need to be socially responsible in controlling consumption and satisfaction at an individual capacity.

Fourth Response

Marketing can be viewed as a term applied by organizations to describe all the steps and processes that lead to final sales (Chawla, 2003, p. 4). Usually, organizations and individuals are motivated to withdraw money from their saves and buy products as induced by organization strategies, pricing and distribution activities. United state EPA is complaining on consumption increasingly induced by marketers. Citizens buy and consume products as they view them from promotional and advertisements. This increases chances of polluting environment that is a threat to sustainability. Most of the products purchased do not last for long due to the change in consumption patterns, choices and taste and the inducement of marketing activities. Sustainability cannot be supported by low or no consumption. This is because it will be in opposition to the consumption-satisfaction cycle.

Fifth Response

LibiCki, (nd, P. 25) indicates it is true that cyber wars are increasingly becoming a threat. Important sectors, offices and companies are run on by internet technologies. As technology advance in government offices and private institution so do the hackers, espionages and malware expand in technological access to cyber information. Actually, potential threats pose to real damage. Cyber risks to institutions are real and they pose a bigger challenge to upcoming international shocks (LibiCki, nd, P. 25). The war need to be controlled by strategic internet defense and security for all cyber operations.

Sixth response

It is important to note that life coaching encompasses disciplines of all categories ranging from health studies, economists, sociology, psychology, child development, profession development, mental health among others. KAUFFMAN, (nd, p. 219 &220) argues that companies’ managers and chief executives aspire through their coaches to keep their companies successful and buoyant. All employees given assignments, Counselors, tutors, politicians and others are running to a coach to avoid painful burnouts or losses. Psychology is crucial matter when coaching an individual. This comes to academic attention to develop and implement coaching psychology in academic.



“Socialization”, (nd). Socialization. Retrieved from

Chawla, A. (2003). CORE CONCEPTS OF MARKETING: Marketing of Educational Institutes, Programmes and Services. Retrieved from

KAUFFMAN, C. (nd) Positive Psychology: the Science at the Heart of Coaching. Retrieved from

LibiCki, M, C. (nd). Cyber deterrence and cyber wars. United States Air Force. Retrieved from

Maycroft, N. (nd) Consumption, planned obsolescence and waste. University of Lincoln. Retrieved from

PERRINO, R. G. (2005). The Socialization Process and Its Impact on Children and Learning. Retrieved from

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